病人的权利 and 责任
We consider you a partner in your hospital care. You can help make your care as effective as possible when you are informed about your condition, 参与治疗决策,并与医生和其他医疗保健专业人员公开沟通.
所有医院人员, 从事病人护理活动的医务人员和签约机构人员应当遵守病人的这些权利.
体贴的, 在安全的环境中得到尊重和照顾,个人尊严得到承认,不受任何形式的虐待或骚扰.
Impartial access to 治疗 regardless of race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 残疾, age or source of payment for care.
Personal and informational privacy and confidentiality as permitted by law. 在将医疗记录提供给与您的护理没有直接关系的任何人之前,必须获得书面许可.
Access information contained in the clinical records within a reasonable time frame.
了解哪位医生主要负责协调你的护理,并获得有关你的诊断的信息(在已知的程度上), 治疗, 治疗结果(包括未预料到的结果)和任何已知的预后.
Be told of realistic care alternatives when hospital care is no longer appropriate. Participate in the consideration of ethical issues that arise in the provision of your care.
指定探视者应享有与病人直系亲属相同的探视权, regardless of whether the visitors are legally related to the patient.
游客 are not denied privileges on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 或残疾.
Designate a representative who may be involved in the patient’s care planning, 出院计划, 疼痛管理. This representative shall receive a copy of the Patient’s Rights.
指定一名支持人员,他可以是也可以不是患者的代表. 你的权利是否适用于可能有法律责任代表你做出医疗决定的人.
Reasonable, informed participation in decisions involving your health care. 接收尽可能多的关于拟议治疗或程序的信息,以便您知情同意或拒绝治疗过程. 除了紧急情况, this information shall include a description of the procedure or 治疗, the significant risks involved in the 治疗, 备选治疗方案或不治疗方案,以及每种方案所涉及的风险,并了解将执行该程序或治疗的人员的姓名和专业地位.
The right to consent to or refuse recommended 治疗 as permitted by law. If patients or their legally authorized representatives refuse 治疗, preventing the provision of appropriate care in accordance with professional standards, the hospital may terminate the relationship with the patient upon reasonable notice. 病人 have the right to be informed of the medical consequences of their refusal.
At your own request and expense, consult with a specialist.
除非您收到有关转移需要的解释,否则不得转移到其他设施或组织, the alternatives to such transfer, and unless the transfer is acceptable to the other facility.
请求和接收, regardless of the source of payment for your care, an itemized bill for services rendered in the hospital. 在终止任何第三方支付医疗费用的报销资格之前,患者有权得到及时通知.
Appropriate assessment and management of pain.
Be free from the use of seclusion or restraint, 任何形式的, 作为一种强制手段, 纪律, 方便, 或者被员工报复.
Reasonable responses to any reasonable request you may make for service.
The hospital involves parents and/or legal guardians for the infant, 孩子们, 或青少年患者在整个治疗过程中,并向父母和/或监护人提供上述任何特权和信息.
信息 about the hospital rules and regulations applicable to your conduct as a patient.
病人 are entitled to information on the hospital's process for the initiation, 审查, and resolution of their complaints, 包括你得到的护理质量或者你是否觉得确定的出院日期还为时过早. A patient may file a complaint or grievance without compromising care.
- 在高点血量-萨姆纳, the Department Director is responsible for handling patient and family concerns. 投诉应首先向问题发生地区的主管或值班主管提出. However, complaints and grievances may also be filed by calling 615-328-5537.
- 在高点医疗站-河景, the Department Director is responsible for handling patient and family concerns. 投诉应首先向问题发生地区的主管或值班主管提出. However, complaints and grievances may also be filed by calling 615-735- 5117.
- 在高点健康-特鲁兹代尔, Administration is responsible for handling patient and family concerns. Complaints and grievances may be filed by calling 615-328-6704.
You may also file a quality of care complaint with the:
Division of Health Care Facilities
Centralized Complaint Intake Unit
665 Mainstream Drive, Second Floor
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
电子邮件: complaint@jointcommission.org
田纳西州拥有美国最好的医疗保健专业人员和治疗设施. The majority of healthcare providers in Tennessee are competent and caring individuals, and most people are satisfied with the level of care they receive. 然而,当你遇到问题时,你有权向医生报告. If you believe that a healthcare provider’s performance or behavior is not acceptable, you may file a complaint through Health Related Boards, 调查办公室. 不在董事会权限内的问题:费用和/或计费纠纷(为服务收取的金额), 过高, 等). You may visit the following website to download a complaint form (PH3466) http://health.state.tn.us/boards/complaints.htm 或致电消费者事务部联络 1-800-342-8385.
You have the responsibility to provide, 据你所知, accurate and complete information about present complaints, 过去的疾病, 住院治疗, 药物治疗, and other matters relating to your health.
You are responsible for following rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.
You are responsible for being respectful of the property of other persons and of the hospital.
You are responsible for adhering to the Tobacco Usage Policy. 根据州法律,禁止在医院建筑物内或邻近的财产上吸烟.
You and your family members have the responsibility to report perceived risks in patient care. You are responsible for securing personal belongings and valuables.
You are responsible for recognizing the effect of your lifestyle on your personal health. 你的健康不仅取决于你的医院护理,还取决于你在日常生活中所做的决定.